Friday, 3rd May 2024
Todays programming is dedicated for the Refuah Shlema of Yehuda Yosef Ben Buntza and Leilu Nishmat Rostislav (Slava) Ben Basy


Prepared by Rabbi Binyamin Yuhanan



Leilui Neshamot of my mother Zilpa Zina bat Rachel and Uriel, and my grandmother Rachel bat Chana and Michael

Cohen - When the time of redemption comes, it happens instantly! Yosef is rushed from the prison to the palace to advise Pharaoh

on his dream! The chief butler praises Yosef to Pharaoh, attributing to him superhuman powers: “He restored me to my post, and

he hanged the chief baker!” All the wise men of Egypt and all its magicians amount to nothing at all, unable to interpret! Even

Pharaoh recognized them as fakers.

Segula - To have good dreams. To be saved from troubles. To have a good reputation. To have ability to bless people.

Levy - Pharaoh changes details of his dream in order to test Yosef. But as Yosef connects himself to G-d, the source of all

knowledge, the interpretation of the dream becomes clear! He gives Pharaoh solid advice and a plan for the next 14 years. Pharaoh

is in awe of him, and admits that Yosef is the true prophet of G-d!

Segula - To become wise. To be connected to Hashem. To always know the right way in life. Not to believe fakers.

Shelishi - Pharaoh puts Yosef in charge of the entire country, and gives him full power to do anything he wishes. For the next

eighty years Pharaoh becomes like a doll sitting on the throne, while the Jews run and improve the country. Yosef marries Osnat,

and has two sons - Menashe and Ephraim.

Segula -To be successful. To be a leader. To find a good wife. To have righteous children. To have Shalom Bayit.

Revi'i - Yosef’s predictions come true: after the seven years of plenty the seven years of famine begin. Yosef starts selling grain to

the entire region of the Middle East and the North Africa. Yakov sends ten of his sons to buy food in Egypt. Brothers don’t

recognize Yosef, but he does. He decides to test them, and to see if they love each other, especially Binyamin, the last son of

Rachel. He asks Binyamin to be brought to Egypt. Yosef also hopes that through their suffering, they will be inspired to regret, to

do Teshuva, and be forgiven.

Segula - To have good parnassa. To travel safely. To be protected from false accusations. To be forgiven.

Chamishi - Brothers return home without Shimon, who is taken as a hostage. Yakov refuses to send Binyamin, fearing to lose him,

as he lost Yosef and Shimon. When the food is depleted, however, Yehuda convinces Yakov and guarantees Binyamin’s return.

Yakov sends a gift to Yosef of the best fruits of the land.

Segula - To do Teshuva. To merit Hashem’s mercy. That people should listen to your words. To make good decisions.

Shishi - The brothers are invited into Yosef’s house for a meal, and Shimon is released. All brothers bow down to Yosef, in

fulfilment of his dream. For the first time in twenty two years all twelve brothers are together. Yosef sees Binyamin and blesses

him: “May G-d be gracious to you!” This Aliya hints to Chanuka!

Segula - To have peace. To have success. That G-d should be gracious to you and your family. To become free.

Shevi'i - When Yosef sees Binyamin he remembers his mother, he is overcome with emotions, and weeps privately. They eat a

meal together, and drink wine for the first time in twenty two years. Yosef shows Binyamin much more attention, to see if the

brothers will become jealous of him. Yosef sends the brothers home, but puts his silver cup into Binyamin’s bag to make them

think that he stole it. The brothers are brought back in shame, and Yosef demands that Binyamin stay as his slave in Egypt. But

they are strong - they will not let Binyamin be punished for the sin that he did not commit! They are willing to be slaves

themselves, and to fight for his safe return home.

Segula - To have peace among siblings. To love other Jews. To be able to judge others favorably. To pass all tests.

Haftarah (Zechariah 2:14 - 4:7) - A special Chanukah Haftarah. Hashem promises us that He will dwell again in Yerushalayim.

He will help the Jews to purify themselves, and to return to Him. All the nations of the world will acknowledge that the Jewish

people are the closest to G-d, and are the only teachers of true spirituality. “Sing and be happy O Daughter of Zion! I shall dwell

among you - says Hashem”. “I shall remove your sin, and you will wear clean garments”. “Then I will bring my servant

(Mashiach). On that day there will be peace in the land”. “Not through armies, and not through might, but through My spirit, says

Hashem!” Just like in times of Chanukah, our future victory will not depend on our Defense Force, rather on our Teshuvah and

complete trust in the fact that G-d runs the world.

Segula - To do complete Teshuva. To find good spouses for your children. To have happiness. To rely only on Hashem.

Shabbat Shalom u’Mevorach!

Happy Chanukah!

Hodesh Tov!