Wednesday, 12th February 2025

 CHAZAQ Lectures and Events

"If its a CHAZAQ event then it is an event you Don't Want to Miss!"

One of the highlights of the Queens Torah Scene is our CHAZAQ events, which takes place throughout the calendar year. Hundreds of people from all Jewish backgrounds come to these wonderful gatherings and simply go home inspired. Be it world renowned lecturers that offer beautiful insights on the upcoming holidays, or discussions about what it takes to have a successful marriage, or a talk to help us improve our character traits; CHAZAQ reaches out to each person, assuring that every aspect of our lives are strengthened in the true Torah way.

CHAZAQ tackles the tougher society issues as well. With an open approach, they discuss topics regarding the current negative influences in our communities such as drugs, alienation from Yiddishkeit and more; to give strength to our audience so that they can improve themselves, their families and their surrounding communities.


Public School to Yeshiva Division (PSTY)

Every Jewish child deserves a Jewish education!

Our CHAZAQ PSTY Division has one unique goal - to give every Jewish Child the opportunity to receive a valuable Jewish education in a Yeshivah setting.

We work as partners together with parents of children in Public Schools to offer their children the benefits of Judaic studies.

Obtaining a Jewish Education is not just learning our history, it is the life lessons that we, as parents, must teach our children. Nowadays, Yeshivot are offering a solid dual curriculum with a strong secular and Judaic education.

We strongly believe that having our children in a proper Jewish environment will keep them on the right path and help them be connected to their Great Jewish Heritage and pass it on to their children and grandchildren!  Click here to fill out the form.


Elementary After-school & Sunday-school Programs 

At the Shaping lives Sunday program and Yaldeinu after-school program, we provide our students with a curriculum that is rich in Jewish values, songs, and traditions. We teach our students how to read Hebrew so that they can read the prayers and study the Holy Torah. The directors of the program are consistently creating and updating innovative lesson plans in order to meet the ever-changing demands and curiosities of our students. 

One of our goals is to create lesson plans that target the various styles of learning. The use of visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic is incorporated to ensure that they are always learning in a way that best suits them and their needs.

Our Shaping Lives Sunday-school and Yaldeinu After-school programs are consistently increasing the number of public school participants attending programs as well as program locations. 


J-Wave - Teens Division

In a society where many youth are lacking proper direction, the CHAZAQ Teens division focuses on getting teens off the streets and into a safe environment. This program helps guide our youth to a future filled with success and prosperity.

The care and concern the teachers have for the boys and girls is a blend of embracing the child's individuality and guiding them to be their best.

Our teachers are role models for our youth during their fundamental years. Through tremendous patience they teach them how to resist peer pressure to follow their own personal path. 


Kolel/Beth Midrash

Looking to create the spiritual leaders of tomorrow, Chazaq's Beth Midrash Nosson Meir and Kolel Zichron Moshe of Queens help educate and guide young Torah scholars to reach their fullest potential. Under the leadership of Rav Ahron Walkin, our young scholars learn how to analyze Talmudic and halachic literature and are working up the ladder of success in Torah study.


Women's Division

Our dynamic Women's division brings CHAZAQ programs that pertain to strengthening our Jewish homes. From teaching the Halachic way of making challah to Laws of family purity and many topics in between, the Women's Division is welcomed by hundreds of women throughout the year. With the goal to build a true Torah home, CHAZAQ educates our future mothers, mothers and grandmothers in a fun and exciting way.


Children's Programming

From the Twins from France to Uncle Moishy and more, CHAZAQ presents programs that delight our children and family members alike. CHAZAQ develops very exciting educational events and programs to keep each child enveloped in the richness of our culture and heritage.