Tuesday, 21st January 2025

Your input is important to us. Please provide your valuable feedback. Here are some testimonials from our clients:

Chazaq has taken the lead in the Queens community in providing essential community services to its constituents. Through their educational programming, they have affected thousands of at risk teens. Thanks to their family division, they have helped many marriages. Their impact on the Queens community is as widely felt as it is deeply appreciated.
Posted By: Roman Aminov
Roman Aminov, Esq.
Changed my Life
Hi, I would like to commend you on your wonderful magazine publications and for all the CHAZAQ programs which unite our community to Torah and Mitzvot. Your articles by Rabbi Shafier are truly an eye opener and have changed my outlook on life. I recently received Rabbi Shafier's book, "Stop Surving, Start Living" and recommend everyone to get a hold of one. Reading this book will help you acquire the tools needed to face the many challenges of life, especially in todays difficult time. Thanks again for all the chizuk and best wishes for continued success.
- Community Member who stopped surviving and started living
Posted By: Anonymous
No longer Traditional

Dear Chazaq,
I have participated in your lectures for several months and have grown tremendously during this time. Having studied in Public school and raised in a traditional Jewish home, I have always been satisfied with living as a traditional Jew in that I only observed "symbolic" Mitzvot such as Passover and Rosh Hashana. Thanks to your programs I have truly found that Judaism isn't a matter of national pride rather a way of life.

I was especially inspired by your recent lecture by Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein that touched upon the logical proofs of the authenticity of the Torah. Thank you so much for the inspiration and I look forward to future events.
Posted By: Emily B.
Forest Hills
There really are no words that can describe the amazing work that your organization is doing to our community and to Klal Yisrael at large. On behalf of all of Am Yisrael we would like to bless everyone involved with CHAZAQ with much Bracha and Success.
Posted By: Gilman Family
Highly Recommended

I would like to thank you for your truly amazing and inspirational magazine. From a reader's view I can tell that a lot of work, thought and effort has been made to create a monthly publication that unifies and inspires the community. I would like to add that I have come across a book entitled "The Garden of Emuna" by R' Shalom Arush, which I find exceptionally moving. It's a book that speaks to your soul, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who wants to strengthen their faith in G-d in any situation.

Once again, thank you and all the best
Posted By: Anonymous
Keep it up!

Thank you for the wonderful and inspirational magazine that we've come to know and love! I'd like to thank all the contributors for the amazing and motivating articles that make people thirst for more. Keep up the great work!!!

Thank you once again
Posted By: Sefra
Queens, New York
Dangerous Friendships

The CHAZAQ lecture with Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky (November 7th) was one that unfortunately must be heard by frum couples around the world. The friendships that married people develop in their workplaces and through social websites such as facebook are destroying the foundation of the Jewish home. I believe more Rabbonim should discuss the dangers of this unfortunate phenomenon as many families are breaking apart because of this growing problem
Posted By: Anonymous
Shanah Tova


Thank you for yet another year of Chizuk and inspiration. Your work is truly wonderful and has changed the face of our community. As for your magazine, it is simply great. There is always something for the whole family to read and it truly is a publication that every Jewish home should have. Shana Tova and continue the great rk.
Posted By: Sionov Family
Queens, New York

The 13th issue of the CHAZAQ magazine once again touched upon a core issue plaguing today's generation. Although our economy is still struggling, the lack of happiness that plagues our youth has been around long before the financial issues came upon us. Boys and girls from families that are "well off" are seemingly missing something in their lives as a whole and Judaism in particular. The special features by Rabbi Shaya Cohen and Rabbi Benzion Shafier really touched upon the mindset we must develop in order to feel true fulfillment in life. Both those articles are a must read for parents in today's generation. Thank you and all the best.
Posted By: Sharona
Jamaica Estates
Fabulous Job!


Chazaq Baruch on your fabulous work. It is very heartwarming to see so many men and women of different backgrounds and age groups get inspired on such a great scale on a consistent basis. Your work is definitely appreciated by the entire community and we wish you much success in all your holy work.
Posted By: Linda Maize
Kew Gardens Hills

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