Saturday, 18th May 2024
Todays programming is dedicated for the Refuah Shlema of Yehuda Yosef Ben Buntza and Leilu Nishmat Rostislav (Slava) Ben Basy

Prepared by Rabbi Binyamin Yuhanan


Leilui Neshamot of my mother Zilpa Zina bat Rachel and Uriel, and my grandmother Rachel bat Chana and Michael

Cohen - Yehuda speaks to Yosef, trying to convince him to let Binyamin return to his father, Yakov. Yehuda begs, bargains, and

threatens Yosef. He is willing to risk his life, even though he suspects that Binyamin did steal the silver goblet. He cares for his

brother. That’s what Yosef wants to see - brothers caring for one another, with no jealousy.

Segula - That siblings should love and protect each other. To be strong and do the right thing. To love all Jews.

Levy - Yosef reveals his identity! But he does not want to embarrass his brothers, so he orders all Egyptians to exit. “I am Yosef!”

The brothers are shocked to hear the truth, they realize that until now Yosef was leading the events and testing them. This is how

we will feel when we stand before G-d! When all our questions will be answered, when we will see the bigger picture. Yosef

explains that everything happened for the best, orchestrated by Hashem to insure their survival as a nation.

Segula - To see Hashem in your life. To hear good news. To have good parnassa. To always go on the right path.

Shelishi - Yosef declares: “It was not you who sent me here, but G-d!” We only make decisions, whether we want to be moral or

immoral, but the outcome depends only on G-d. Yosef knew all along that he is following Hashem’s plan, which is why he is

defined as the Successful Man, the one who is a partner with G-d! The brothers did not see Hashem directing their life, so they

fought against the destiny. Now they are ashamed.

Segula - To have clarity in life. To trust that everything is from Hashem. To have good parnassa. To be patient.

Revi'i - The brothers travel to their father to give him the good news. “Yosef is alive! He is the ruler of Egypt!” Yakov’s spirit is

revived! He receives prophecy, after lacking it for twenty two years. Prophecy only comes to a happy person. When you are happy,

you bring yourself closer to Hashem, by recognizing that He guides all events of the world, and is showering goodness upon you

with his kind hand.

Segula - To receive good news. To be happy. To become close to G-d. To have Emuna and Bitachon (trust in Hashem).

Chamishi - Yakov travels down to Egypt with his seventy descendants to meet Yosef. Before descending into Egyptian exile he

stops in Beer Sheva to serve Hashem one last time in the Holy Land. Hashem reassures him: “Have no fear… I shall descend with

you… And I shall bring you up!” Hashem is with us, He is suffering with us if we are in pain. And He is happy together with us,

when we are joyous!

Segula - To serve Hashem in happiness. To have many children and grandchildren. To have Hashem’s protection.

Shishi - Yakov sends Yehuda to prepare the Jewish infrastructure. He builds a Yeshiva, in time for Yakov’s arrival. This set an

example for us: always think first of how to build Torah institutions, and how to grow in Torah yourself. Only then plan your

business. Our righteousness depends on us, our business is G-d’s worry!

Segula - To support Torah learning. To be close to your family. To live in a good neighborhood. To live a long life.

Shevi'i - Yosef saves Egypt and all surrounding countries from starvation. He gathers all the money and all the land for Pharaoh.

The family of Yisrael settles in Egypt, in the Goshen region, for the next two hundred and ten years. They acquire many properties

in it, gain financial success, and have many children. As long as Yosef is alive, for the next seventy one years, they live in peace

and prosperity.

Segula - To always have food and parnassa. To have many children. To acquire properties. To be successful.

Haftarah (Yechezkel 37:15 - 28) - The prophet speaks about future times, may they come soon, when the entire Jewish nation will

be united. Hashem will gather the Jews from among all the nations, and bring them to their soil, and make them a single, united

nation upon the hills of Israel. The ten lost tribes led by Yosef’s descendants will return and rejoin the tribes of Yehuda and

Binyamin. The monarchy of King David will be restored, with Mashiach as our king. “Then all the nations will know that I am

Hashem, Who sanctifies the Jews, and My Bet Hamikdash will be among them forever!”

Segula - To love all Jews. To merit to live in the Land of Yisrael. To merit to live in times of Mashiach.

Shabbat Shalom uMevorach!



Prepared by Rabbi Binyamin Yuhanan


Leilui Neshamot of my mother Zilpa Zina bat Rachel and Uriel, and my grandmother Rachel bat Chana and Michael

Cohen - Yehuda speaks to Yosef, trying to convince him to let Binyamin return to his father, Yakov. Yehuda begs, bargains, and

threatens Yosef. He is willing to risk his life, even though he suspects that Binyamin did steal the silver goblet. He cares for his

brother. That’s what Yosef wants to see - brothers caring for one another, with no jealousy.

Segula - That siblings should love and protect each other. To be strong and do the right thing. To love all Jews.

Levy - Yosef reveals his identity! But he does not want to embarrass his brothers, so he orders all Egyptians to exit. “I am Yosef!”

The brothers are shocked to hear the truth, they realize that until now Yosef was leading the events and testing them. This is how

we will feel when we stand before G-d! When all our questions will be answered, when we will see the bigger picture. Yosef

explains that everything happened for the best, orchestrated by Hashem to insure their survival as a nation.

Segula - To see Hashem in your life. To hear good news. To have good parnassa. To always go on the right path.

Shelishi - Yosef declares: “It was not you who sent me here, but G-d!” We only make decisions, whether we want to be moral or

immoral, but the outcome depends only on G-d. Yosef knew all along that he is following Hashem’s plan, which is why he is

defined as the Successful Man, the one who is a partner with G-d! The brothers did not see Hashem directing their life, so they

fought against the destiny. Now they are ashamed.

Segula - To have clarity in life. To trust that everything is from Hashem. To have good parnassa. To be patient.

Revi'i - The brothers travel to their father to give him the good news. “Yosef is alive! He is the ruler of Egypt!” Yakov’s spirit is

revived! He receives prophecy, after lacking it for twenty two years. Prophecy only comes to a happy person. When you are happy,

you bring yourself closer to Hashem, by recognizing that He guides all events of the world, and is showering goodness upon you

with his kind hand.

Segula - To receive good news. To be happy. To become close to G-d. To have Emuna and Bitachon (trust in Hashem).

Chamishi - Yakov travels down to Egypt with his seventy descendants to meet Yosef. Before descending into Egyptian exile he

stops in Beer Sheva to serve Hashem one last time in the Holy Land. Hashem reassures him: “Have no fear… I shall descend with

you… And I shall bring you up!” Hashem is with us, He is suffering with us if we are in pain. And He is happy together with us,

when we are joyous!

Segula - To serve Hashem in happiness. To have many children and grandchildren. To have Hashem’s protection.

Shishi - Yakov sends Yehuda to prepare the Jewish infrastructure. He builds a Yeshiva, in time for Yakov’s arrival. This set an

example for us: always think first of how to build Torah institutions, and how to grow in Torah yourself. Only then plan your

business. Our righteousness depends on us, our business is G-d’s worry!

Segula - To support Torah learning. To be close to your family. To live in a good neighborhood. To live a long life.

Shevi'i - Yosef saves Egypt and all surrounding countries from starvation. He gathers all the money and all the land for Pharaoh.

The family of Yisrael settles in Egypt, in the Goshen region, for the next two hundred and ten years. They acquire many properties

in it, gain financial success, and have many children. As long as Yosef is alive, for the next seventy one years, they live in peace

and prosperity.

Segula - To always have food and parnassa. To have many children. To acquire properties. To be successful.

Haftarah (Yechezkel 37:15 - 28) - The prophet speaks about future times, may they come soon, when the entire Jewish nation will

be united. Hashem will gather the Jews from among all the nations, and bring them to their soil, and make them a single, united

nation upon the hills of Israel. The ten lost tribes led by Yosef’s descendants will return and rejoin the tribes of Yehuda and

Binyamin. The monarchy of King David will be restored, with Mashiach as our king. “Then all the nations will know that I am

Hashem, Who sanctifies the Jews, and My Bet Hamikdash will be among them forever!”

Segula - To love all Jews. To merit to live in the Land of Yisrael. To merit to live in times of Mashiach.

Shabbat Shalom uMevorach!