Thursday, 16th May 2024
Todays programming is dedicated for the Refuah Shlema of Yehuda Yosef Ben Buntza and Leilu Nishmat Rostislav (Slava) Ben Basy

Share your Simcha with Us!


Fax: 718-255-5803

Mail: 141 - 24 Jewel Ave.

Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of September - October

Dates:  2010-09-01


Bar Mitzvah

Yitzy Katz

Ariel Shlomo Moskowitz

Mutty Beyman

Leibish Blumenfrucht

Ari Scheff

Dovid Schaffel

Aryeh Zneimer

Mendy Savoia

Tovia Levine


Ami Klein to Atara Luchansky

Meir Weinberg to Devora Yarmish

Aharon Gross to Rivky Feuer

Natan Lalmiev to Shulamit Davidov 

Eric Gombo to Jen Gerewitz

Sol Bergman to Yocheved Frasko

Yudi Stern to Miri Green

Yehuda Safran to Dania Krause

Aryeh Garbacz to Bracha Mermelstein

Ari Cohen to Ariella Richman

Yanky Levine to Chani Munk

Tzvi Herskovits to Temira Zwiren

Pinny Faska to Etty Rubinstein

Effy Yunaev to Esther Matatov

Bentzy Sherman to Aleeza Salamon

Yitzy Bardos to Sheri Wolnerman

Yoni Davidov to Irena Yasayev

Eliezer Lam to Ahuva Yankelowitz


Chanan Blumenblatt to Blima

Mordechai Bennett to Hadassah Dollman

Yair Stern to Chaya Shleifer

Mechel Czermak to Aviva Gellis

Shmuel Klagsbrun to Atara Schultz

Hayden Rauf to Charlotte Levey

Duvie Reiss to Adina Ribiat

Yoni Gold to Alise Dobkin

Ruvi Bakst to Deena Sauer

Shloimy Elefant to Nechama Brown

Naftali Apt to Lauren Grossman

Zvi Oppenheimer to Atara Norowitz

Bryan Kolb to Lauren Rothschild

Binyomin Cohen to Malka Topas

Gershon Berkson to Aviva Vatch

Chaim Jacobowitz to Elana Fried

Meir Tesser to Charna Greher

Birth - Boy

R' Akiva and Shonnie Rutenberg

Mishael and Shoshana Yagudayev

Dovid and Leah Bracha Fireworker

Sruly and Esti Friedman

Moshe and Esther Kurtz

Yehuda and Chani Joffre

Meir and Bashi Levine

Dovid and Gitty Potash

Yossi and Temi Brull

Moishy and Devorah Aschendorf

Avi and Dina Portnoy

Elie and Esther Levi

Eli and Shaindy Rotstein

Birth - Girl

Chaim and Dena Weiss

Daniel and Ariella Wiesenfeld

Josh and Rachelle Goller

David and Aviva Lowy

Danny and Michall Goldman

Rafi and Rachel Abraham

Mordy and Chaya Malka Neuman

Moshe Chaim and Malky Union

Yisrael and Chana Khiyayev

Yitzy and Gila Kolodny

Dovid and Elisheva Ribiat

Yitzi and Nechamie Hellmann

Avrohom and Mindy Lang

Aharon Mindi Garfunkel

Isaac and Mimi Shulman