Saturday, 4th May 2024

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Mail: 141 - 24 Jewel Ave.

Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of January - February

Dates:  2012-01-01

Bar Mitzvah

Naftali Gerstman

Mordechai Palmer

Aaron Blumenfeld

Naftali Goldstone

Nosson Werner

Ari Roth

Efraim Meirov

Naftali Treitel



Yossi Binder to Rachel Shepherd

Eli Babich to Lisa Okun

Dovi Mellman to Goldie Fisher

Mordy Balsam to Rinat Berko

Dovid Sanders to Penina Burnstein

Daniel Small to Rachel Schultz

Mayer Spira to Toby Weiss

Eli Weiner to Bracha Kleinman

Avi Anderson to Rivky Bachrach

Zevi Miller to Chanie Loriner

Binyamin Friedman to Shana Petlin

Zvi Lamm to Shifra Lampert

Tzvi Herman to Chaya Trop



Dovid Elefant to Chanindy Hess

Michael Ackerman to Ora Marcus

Shlomo Eisen to Elisheva Glick

Simcha Noble to Riva Halpert

Shua Richter to Malia Frey

Lazer Taub to Faigy Fogel

Sruli Nemet to Michal Gorelick

Mickey Marinelli to Rochel Leah Frydman

Jeffrey Ritholtz to Batsheva Leibtag

Moishy Stewart to Chani Richter

Yosef Shimonov to Mazal Itshakov

Eli Haltovsky to Raizy Weiss

Heshy Korn to Raizy Gerstetner

Danny Stemp to Zahava Goldberg

Shloimie Kohn to Fraidy Katz

Aron Yusupov to Natalie Fozailov

Shmuel Zipper to Ettie Lomner


Birth - Boy

Shneur and Miriam Silverman

Elazar and Chani Flaum

Pinny and Shani Nagel

Sruly and Rachellie Edelstein

Reuven and Miriam Kolyakov

Yaacov and Rochel Rowner

Ari and Baila Drillick

Yosef and Ruchy Birnbaum

Ami and Rivka Lock

Aaron David and Gitty Cohen

Nesanel and Danit Gantz

Meir and Rachelli Waxman


Birth - Girl

Bentzy and Ayelet Goldstein

Michael and Dalia Breiner

Hersch and Rochel Abrahamson

Nachum and Rachel Feld

Yitzy and Pessi Lubin

Yosi and Perela Weingarten

Hillel and Nechi Weinreb

Chaim and Shaina Weiss

Yosef and Esther Greenhaus

Shlomo and Galit Meirov

Yaakov and Dassy Bamberger

Burry and Shaindy Gross

Itchy and Shani Karas

Naftali and Mindy Ratner

Tzuriel and Dorit Haim