Saturday, 4th May 2024

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Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of May - June

Dates:  2013-05-01


Michoel Weichbrod to Tova Pepose

Ariel Silber to Yedidya Rothner

Edouard Fuchs to Estee Kolb

Vitaliy Fatakov to Ilanit Masikhaev

Chesky Kornwasser to Rivki Leventhal

Levi Shapiro to Sara Sarena Siegelman

Yonaton Pachlayev to Ksia Muradov

Gavriel Daitchman to Rivka Warman

Adam Berman to Tova Schiff

Daniel Kariyev to Elizabeth Nisanov

Shneur Zalman Tarlow to Rochel Spangenthal

Michael Pachlayev to Rachel Rubinov

Nochum Greenberg to Alti Shur


Adam Taxin to Marla Booth

Stephen Katz to Adi Mizrahi Katz

Alex Itzkowitz to Russi Leiter

Greg Shimonov to Julia Aminov

Ron Markovitz to Nina Rosengarten

Jason Eisenberg to Julie Kirshenbaum

Moshe Iskhakov to Rachel Razak

Joshua Kohn to Chaya Goldman

Simcha Reznitsky to Rivky Kleiner

Birth – Boy

Bentzi and Osnas Cousin

Rony and Daniella Ben-Ishai

Ricky and Rachel Stern

Moshe and Liat Mayerfeld

Eli and Chagit Kaikov

Moshe and Esty Klein

 Ariel and Miriam Danierov

Menashe and Naomi Schwartz

Stephen and Sara Goldenzweig

Yankel and Pessa Rochel Lipsidge

Motti and Rivkah Torenheim

Shalom and Penina Goldberg

Elazar and Beatrice Davydov

Levi and Leah Lipskar

Birth – Girl

David and Gitty Rosner

Yair and Michelle Jacobs

Rafi and Tamar Younger

Dovid and Shana Aaronson

David and Dalya Addi

Chaim and Sheli Sussman

Bentzi and Devorah Sasson

Motti and Freidi Konig

Shmuel and Rivki Katz

Pesach and Penina Rotenberg

Mendy and Chaya Moscowitz

Mendy and Henni Halberstam

Bar Mitzvah

Chaim Goldberg

Yitzchak Davidov

Afrayim Sitorsky