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Mazal Tovs Month of February

Dates:  2010-02-01


Bar Mitzvah

Moshe Klugmann

Shmuli Hanson

Moshe Zev Stern

Nissan Tzvi Tovey

Corey Levine

Shalom Gelbtuch

Moshe Yakubov

Benzi Moser

 Menachem M. Beenstock



Tani Alper to Naami Zamist

Josh Berger to Maya Albert 

Danny Popper to Malka Adatto

Yoely Zipkin to Aimee Pelikow

Aaron Paine to Arielle Taitz

Ezra Cohen to Stephanie Brooks

Mark Hausner to Elisheva Horn

Baruch Adams to Robyn Montal

Asher Landaw to Rochelle Lewin

Yaniv Levi to Elana Felkai

Amir White to Ita Ambinder

Daniel Kaikov to Esti Babekov

Josh Graber to Leah Chatzky

Avi Jacobs to Rina Adler



Yehuda Roberts to Chani Szrolovits

Eli Gefen to Paloma Hahn

Shachar Nisanov to Elina Cohen

Gavi Hoffnung to Zehava Malowiczky

Avi Yagudayev to Milana Kolyakov

David Weiss to Chani Berman

Dani Hirsch to Sara Friedman

Jacob Finkle to Shani Chesir

Michael Appelbaum to Alyse Stein

David Glogower to Aviva Brooks

Avi Adler to Ayala Bindiger

Justin Kohn to Jordona Blaustein

Daniel Fox to Bryna Azizollahoff

Sid Schechet to Michal Zanger

Dovi Lowenbein to Rochel Davis



Birth - Boy

Danny and Baila Cohen

Mayer and Esty Weiss

Efraim and Esti Pollak

Yanky and Pessy Greenwald

Moshe and Dafi Zulberg

Shmuel and Feigie Russ

    Moshe and Pam Friedman

Reuven and Sigal Giel

Shlomo and Tali Apfelbaum

Yehuda and Chani Gras

Sruly and Miri Shain



Birth - Girl

Josh and Sarah Leah Solomon

Moshe and Leora Sdayeb

Sruly and Yaffa Markowitz

Shloimie and Shani Klein

Eyal and Rochie Simchi

Dani and Ariella Goldstein

Heshy and Chani Weinberger

Rachamim and Lola Matayev

Tzvi and Elisheva Brown

Mutty and Esti Ginsburg

Yakov and Tova Laska

David and Lana Zirkiev

Naftali and Mindy Ratner

Tzuriel and Dorit Haim