Saturday, 4th May 2024

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Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of March - April

Dates:  2012-03-01

Bar Mitzvah

Yechiel Diamond

Sholom Elimelech Schaffel

Moshe Rabinowitz

Avromy Schron

Chaim Gross

Binyamin Bensalmon




Shloimy Abrams to Brochi Leff

Yaakov Mayerhoff to Shira Glatt

Ari Galster to Lani Pearl

Moishy Shachner to Esty Prager

Natan Brownstein to Jessie Busch

Marc Goldhammer to Ariella Henoch

Yosef Goldberg to Dassie Cohen

Kobe Schachnow to Tehila Gross

Zach Bienenfeld to Atara Staiman

Aharon Kamel to Ariella Kohen

Bentzion Munk to Sara Leah Mann

Nuchy Mandel to Shana Hagler

Yitzchok Lerner to Chaya Smith

Mordy Prus to Temima Herzberg




Meir Khaver and Esti Kessler

Eli Vaiselberg and Chanie Lieberman

Motty Fried and Sara Poliatzky

Chaim Knopf and Aliza Pasik

Meir Silberman and Miriam Brinbaum

Meir Neuman and Shira Jacobson

Shmuel Lieberman and Shaindy Diskind

Daniel Sumner and Batsheva Stein

Doniel Salamon and Kayla Rozwaski

Dovid Pollack and Nechama Sochet

Eli Babaev to Liora Elishayev

Moshe Ruchelsman and Tamar Somerstein

Bryan Rothman and Breindy Dreyfuss

Roshel Nektalov to Regina Matatova

Yehuda Cohen and Basya Subar

Yosef Levin and Rena Etengoff

Moishy Herzka and Elisheva Grohman


Birth - Boy

Penina and Mendy Silberberg

Tzvi and Raizy Yormark

Dovid and Molky Katz

Avrumi and Chani Gross

Moshe and Riki Grossman

Amichai and Sara Leah Gez

Yitzy and Miriam Leonorovitz

Shmully and Nechama Aronin

Noam and Robin Hack

Simcha and Zahavy Adler

Yoni and Toby Zahler


Birth - Girl

Shmuel and Rochel Padawer

R' Ilan and Aliza Meirov

Eli and Chani Mittel

Yuda and Laya Blumenthal

Yanky and Goldy Weinberger

Yanky and Mashi Ehrenpreis

Shlomie and Rochie Ehrman

Moishe and Aliza Klein

Binyamin and Shani Steinfeld

Dovid and Maty Rosenberg

Dovid and Shoshana Kolodny

Shloime and Chana Goldwasser

Gedalia and Chumi Pollak

Betzalel and Rachel Link

Chaim and Esther Siegel