Saturday, 4th May 2024

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Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of March - April

Dates:  2013-03-01



Ozzy Smith to Miriam Malka Marks

Kovi Fleishmann to Nechama Goldstein

Moshe Ishakov to Rachel Razak

Sarel Maletski to Jessica Eisenberg

Chaim Portal to Michelle Caren

David Linderman to Heather Lieber

Zach Schlessel to Davida Shubowitz

Michael Kosowsky to Tova Ramelson

Yehuda Wolfset to Nicole Goldstein

Alex Kelsen to Erica Langer

Netanel Spero to Sarah Weg

Ozzy Smith to Miriam Malka Marks

Chana Ungar to Ushi Stamler



Sruly Katz to Adi Mizrahi Katz

Alex Itzkowitz to Russi Leiter

Ari Bluzenstein to Yehudis Bochner

Eli Sdayeb to Esther Aronov

Ron Markowitz to Nina Rosengarten

Jason Eisenberg to Julie Kirshenbaum

Joshua Kohn to Chaya Goldman

Reuben Lloyd to Sarah Yekutieli

Dovid Attias to Leah Benno

Eli Mullakandov to Susie Gavrielov

Hillel Gross to Rivka Greenberg

Shimon Radovsky to Devora Nusbaum


Birth - Boy

Moshe and Liat Mayerfeld

Pinchas and Rachel Foozailov

Moshe and Esty Klein

Natan and Frida Uvdayev

Baruch and Raizy Reichnan

Menashe and Naomi Schwartz

Stephen and Sara Goldenweig

Dan and Rachel Rosenbaum

Jonathan and Eva Weissman

Ben and Chani Czeladnicki

David and Kaitlin Roberson

Motti and Freidi Konig

Boris and Ela Nisanov

Shloime and Chaya Fischer

Betsalel and Chana Meisner

Shlomo and Raya Matatov


Birth - Girl

Tamar and Rafi Younger

Dovid and Shana Aaronson

Moshe and Leora Sdayeb

Rafi and Batsheva Hecht

David and Dalya Addi

Chaim and Shelli Sussman

Mikhail and Esther Aminov

Avi and Chana Esther Fogel

Shmuel and Rivki Katz

Pesach and Penina Rotenberg

Josh and Rena Steinberg

Mordechai David and Shoshana Khaimov

Aaron and Sarah Samole


Bar Mitzvah

Chaim Goldberg

Eliezer Chaim Kahn

Eli Mermelstein

Royi Elishayev

Braun Tomer Emmanuel

Jacob Small


Bat Mitzvah

Marni Gottesman

Bracha Berman

Gabriella Nachman