Saturday, 18th May 2024

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Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of March - April

Dates:  2011-03-01


Bar Mitzvah

Menachem Landau

Shlomo Fried

Matti Cohen

Moshe Stern

AB Frischman

Yudi Nelkenbaum

Yehuda Aryeh Moskowitz

Yaakov Yisroel Bruckenstein

Yisroel Pinkus



Menachem Kleinkaufman to Esti Szrolovits

Ronen Meirov to Tzipora Fozailov

Tzvi Dana to Shoshana Gottisman

Yechiel Lehrfield to Malky Lehrfield

Avi Heimowitz to Efrat Leifer

Yoni Unger to Shira Burstyn

Shalom Meirov to Suri Fatakov

Hillel Nadler to Leah Gesserman

Shmulie Zafir to Sarah Lowinger

Rachamim Aminov to Dora Katanov

Chaim Eichen to Atara Aroll

Ezra Daitchman to Mindy Smith

Menashe Benedict to Amanda Tammam

Yakov Bangiyev to Adina Mordechayev

Mendy Elias to Adina Pernikoff

Yair Frankel to Miriam Katzenstein



Yoni Goldfinger and Yehudis Lazarus

Dovid Herskowitz and Leah Orbach

Chanan Brin and Kelly Kandel

Yitz Kroll and Hindy Pepper

Mottie Widruff and Esther Clark

Ezra Stettin and Dvora Frankiel

Bentzy Sherman and Aleeza Salamon

Yehuda Brum and Ariela Adler

Dovid Margulies and Esty Beck

Chaim Sussman and Shelli Hoffman

Moshe Braun and Ruchi Herzberg

Shimmy Ehrman and Tzipora Tesser

Moshe Dovid Price and Chayala Kipper

Simcha Jacobson and Julie Swartz

Chagai Khaimov and Elana Abramov

Shmuli Schnell and Dena Gelley


Birth - Boy

Yehuda and Chani Roberts

Shaya and Pessy Pollack

Avroham and Baila Kramer

Binyomin and Nechi Whitman

Yanky and Elisheva Nachumson

Sammy and Ariella Landa

Yaakov and Ahuva Levine

Suki and Chani Frankel

Baruch and Devoiry Berger

Chaim Shlomo and Aliza Schwartz

Rafi and Julie Rosenblum


Birth - Girl

Nachmi and Sheva Nadoff

Shloime and Rivky Ettinger

Akiva and Dori Posen

Shlomo and Rachel Fisher

Ezzy and Sari Sochaczewsky

Shimmy and Hadassah Frankel

Yehuda and Rivky Goldstein

Dovid and Goldie Rosner

Chaim Asher and Ahuva Kramer

Mayer and Chani Marx

Moishe and Nechama Ratner

Shimon and Brachalla Kurtz

Sholem and Leah Egert

Yisroel and Ilana Hiller

Jon and Nechama Ackerman