Saturday, 18th May 2024

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Mail: 141 - 24 Jewel Ave.

Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of September - October

Dates:  2013-09-01


Dovid Strauss to Allie Schnall

Shlomo Siegelman to Jenny Samad

Marc Merrill to Sarah Weintraub

Chanokh Berenson to Karen Steinberger

Ari Goldman to Nechama Frome

Tzvi Neiman to Racheli Assor

Leibe Gruber to Michelle Goldkrantz

Chaim Fox to Alisa Vogel

Rafi Miller to Fran Tanner

Meir Apter to Chaya Cope

Netanel Finkelstein to Judith Frankiel

Yosaif Naftel to Yocheved Adams

Ben Pollack to Rebecca Tessler



Mordechai Beniflah to Ariel Smilan

Joshua Weisel to Gavriella Brimm

Tzvi Shulman to Naomi Shulman

Ori Weiner to Zahava Moerdler

Michael Pachlayev to Rachel Rubinoff

Jonathan Yakubov to Shelly Yushunayev

Eliran Berry to Rachel Abirian

Daniel Kariyev to Elizabeth Rubinov

Yakov Aranov to Malka Oppenheimer



Menashe and Miriam Menashe

Shmuel and Atara Klagsbrun

Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Tron

Moishe and Shiffy Goldberger

Dr. and Mrs. David Daniel

Mr. and Mrs. Zvi Calko



Chaim and Shifra Stitzer

Sholem and Leah Egert

Rafi and Tamar Younger

Ilan and Sharona Shamsiyev

Josh and Eva Gavant


Bar Mitzvah

Daniel Yakubov