Monday, 29th April 2024
Todays programming is dedicated for the Refuah Shlema of Yehuda Yosef Ben Buntza and Leilu Nishmat Rostislav (Slava) Ben Basy

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Mail: 141 - 24 Jewel Ave.

Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of March

Dates:  2009-03-01


Bar Mitzvah

Yacov Steinberg


Gilad Foular to Leora Meirov

Ya'akov Salem to Rivka Antebi

Uziel Layliev to Sarah Yusupov

Shmuel Dovid Walkin to Feige Minzer


Avi Levy to Naomi Florian

Birth - Boy

Mr. & Mrs. Yitzi Diskin

Rabbi & Mrs. Uri Sklar

Efraim & Albina Dekhanov

Birth - Girl

Shlomo and Rachel Fisher

Bechor and Frecha Khaimov