Monday, 29th April 2024
Todays programming is dedicated for the Refuah Shlema of Yehuda Yosef Ben Buntza and Leilu Nishmat Rostislav (Slava) Ben Basy

Share your Simcha with Us!


Fax: 718-255-5803

Mail: 141 - 24 Jewel Ave.

Flushing, NY 11367

Mazal Tovs Month of May - June

Dates:  2009-05-01


Bar Mitzvah

Simcha Gulevsky

Yitzchok Kovitz


Nisan Shalomayev to Sigal Sion

Chana Brenner to Aryeh Pliskin


Josh Rozenberg to Alyse Neumark

Birth - Boy

Shmuel and Tesi Morgenbessor

Abo and Milana Siyonov

Yochanan and Irina Matat

Avraham & Tamara Davidov

Emanuel & Rachel Kurtz

Ariel & Ora Babayev

Maya & Ephraim Carni

Alex & Bella Davydova

Birth - Girl

Tammy and Zeke Kreitner

Simcha and Shoshana Baturov

Avrohom and Simah Turkeltaub